
Helpful Hint - Interesting Facade Doubles as Throttle/Car Card Shelf

Project - Realistic Tropical Plants on the Cheap

Visit - Interesting facade and controls

Helpful Hint - Slice of Earth

Visit - Tinplate Facade for Comparison

Visit - Skirt to Outdo All Other Skirts

Attractive Switching Puzzle Layout has attractive facade design along with Desk

Helpful Hint - Scenery as Fascia - It Does Not Work For Me But Perhaps Others Will Emulate

Visit - Lighting

Helpful Hint - Recessed Control Panel

Visit - HO scale Owensville Terminal

Helpful Hint - Labels Match Schematic Color

Visit - Scenery that Exceeds the Boundaries Set by the Fascia is Not My Cup of Tea

Visit - Fascia Painted to Mimic Scenery Depicted

Helpful Hint - Tidy Holder on Fascia for Uncoupling Tool

Helpful Hint - An Interesting Valance for Halfpenny Green

Visit - Bond Lane - A 009 Exhibition Layout