Product Review
Flowering Phlox - Red
Creative Accents by Bill Lankford
Item No. CA0262
3" x 6 1/2 " single sheet
No scale marked
Package Marked $ 7.99
Today, I used some of CA0262 on my layout behind my Fn3 Waipahu engine house; I was very pleased with the results. I have at least another bag that Gary Eames donated to me and others, and I intend to use it. No scale indicated but I would guess it can be used for both HO and O scale. This product is sold as a neat single sheet rectangle - I suspect Gary purchased it from Scenic Express.
Of course, before using one must tear it into irregular sections; otherwise, this product installed would look quite unrealistic. Next step is to apply some white glue to your terrain. I used the Phlox to cover bare spots between some tropical plants I had planted. To glue and install the Phlox I pulled my already-installed plastic plants out of the ground and laid them aside. Once this Phlox CA0262 was glued in place I re-installed my plants into the holes I had made in my pink foam scenery.
A mistake that we modelers may often make is to fail to account for undergrowth. This Phlox for me covers the bare areas between my plants and results in a very realistic appearance.
At the time of this writing, Scenic Express seems to be carrying this product as CA4106 in larger 5" x 9" sheets for $10.99 see This line is about 24 different colors by Scenic Express - I guess that many of us will be tempted to try a few of these colors. To carry 24 different colors, I would guess that this is a popular product. Given the prefix of CA, I assume these are all Creative Accent products.
Only negative I could find is that the packaging is a tad flimsy.
CA0262 can be found on Ebay and Trainz at the time of this writing.
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