Visit - Lance Mindheim and the Bump Out


Photograph by Lance Mindheim - permission granted to reproduce here


Making the right appearance choices for a model railroader and his layout requires seeing what others have accomplished. Notice on the right side of this layout by Lance Mindheim that the benchwork is a bit of shelf that protrudes a bit beyond the fascia - Lance refers to this as a bump out. I see this as a handy layout design tool - it provides some extra space for the layout without making the balance of the layout unnecessarily large. Remember, the larger the layout, the more work and expense required to scenic it - burnout is a big threat to a successful completed layout.

Of course, not to be overlooked is the "floating" nature of this layout. Also observe how the area below the layout is painted a different color than the sky above his layout. This layout also demonstrates that a shelf layout can work without a valance (though that is not my personal preference - I like the shadow box style of layout).

Overall, a very tidy appearance.
