Helpful Hint - Charcoal Grey Car Carpet as Fascia and Valance Covering


Prof Klyzlr

Helpful Hint 

Painting is not the only option for decorating the valance, fascia and wings; carpeting can work as well. here we see two sections of an exhibition layout - with carpeting surround - stacked atop each other. The use of a flat grey color helps visitors focus on the layout. Some layout builders have opined that the carpet can serve a dual function - it can grab the Velcro affixed to a throttle and so serve as a throttle holder wherever the operator wishes to leave same.

Before encountering this photograph online in 2014, I had heard of modelers using carpet as a covering for their fascias - what I had not heard before is the use made of such a specialty carpet - carpet intended for automobiles (perhaps the trunk?). My question is how easy is it find such carpet? Can it be found at an auto parts chain such as O'Reilly's? I suppose the key to making this a success is two-fold. Using a sharp cutting instrument to make neat cuts in the carpet and ensuring that one does not harm oneself in the process.

Revised April 10, 2024
