Helpful Hint - Beautiful Ex[psed Wood Grain Fascia

Helpful Hint

Here we have a beautiful layout fascia demonstrating a great deal of craftsmanship, though not my cup of tea. I feel this wood grain and even this logo is a bit distracting - it works as great furniture but not the museum effect I believe we should strive for. *  A fascia should keep the viewer's attention on the builder's layout - the story being told - not drawing attention to itself for its fine craftsmanship. 
An exception to this rule can be where the fascia continues the story being told. If the layout builder has a fascia whose materials mimic or continue the story told in the layout that an exception can be made for a less than receding facia and valance. No such exception is apparent here.

The glass-front display cabinets underneath - while tidy, if even elegant - also serve as a bit of a distraction. Again, this is just this blogger's opinion. And yes, this presentation is heads and shoulders above how too many layouts appear. The layout owner should be congratulated for the care that went into this presentation - even the logo surely required a great deal of effort to design and execute. Ultimately, the decision making process that leads to such a fascia my boil down to intent - is the builder's intent to create a layout that perhaps fits in elegantly with the liviing quarters of a family or is the intent a museum-like presentation or is the intent to focus on creating an operating experience for visitors who come to operate?

Without some explanatory material, this presentation left me wondering whether the logo displayed - Bellevue Schenectady Railroad - is of a fictional railroad or a prototype road.

* Interestingly, the logo seen closest to the camera is repeated a bit further to the left on the fascia.

Revised April 7, 2024
