Photo from
Martens & Co
Chris Krupa, who also built Minbury Abbas, exhibited this glorious layout at ExpoNG. Notice that this micro-layout enjoys no valance yet is interesting because of all the detail we can see from a bird's eye view. Again, we see that a waterfront scene has the power to entrance. While this layout lacks a curve to its backdrop, that short-coming (yes, I called it a shortcoming) is mitigated by installed a warehouse facade in that corner so the viewer is none the wiser.
While I cannot read it, I appreciate the effort that goes into the explanatory material provided in front of this layout.
Chris, whose brainchild in Ryelands Lane, is from Cambridge, England. He also built Matthews Corner in Gn15.
Would you by any chance know how to contact Chris? I'm keen to have a go at this very design in Gn15. Cheers.