Book Review - Model Railroading with George Dutka


Model Railroading with George Dutka
Soft cover
96 pages
Published by White River Productions
Copyright 2022
Regular Price $ 34.95 on WRP web site on sale for $30 until March 31, 2023

I am enjoying this relatively new book by George Dutka - copyright 2022. It is a loaner from my good friend Mark Gionet - I think he picked it up at the annual 2023 Springfield Massachusetts show. Dutka is a long-time author for Railroad Model Craftsman. It is profusely illustrated with really sharp photography. If you are into modeling New England, this book will be especially interesting for you. Dutka's modeling is based on his HO scale White River Division layout. He does a great job of demonstrating how one can take a very modest kit and jazz it up with details to make it really stand out. However, if one is seeking an encyclopedia of scratch building techniques, this is not the book for you.

Some of George's content makes me feel I have been in the hobby a long time. Dutka uses paints and other fluids targeted at the military modeler community. Not too many years back, one would never see in print that model railroaders had utilized those items for finishing their models.

In summation, this book should prove interesting to novice and experienced modeler alike - though the novice will probably benefit more from its pages than the veteran modeler.

If Dutka's book leaves you thirsty for more, visit George is also the author of New England Railroad Heritage No. 1, a paperback that might be hard to locate.
