Anyone interested in detailing their layout with large signs (both new and of the ghost sign variety, should get a copy of N-Scale January/February 2023. Turn to page 50 for "In Pursuit of Wow" "Part 19 - Ghost Signs and the Finding of all Those Great Decals Out There" by Dennis Machlica. In ten profusely illustrated pages, this author shares his techniques and sources for decorating structures with varied signs. Do not be put off by his article appearing in a magazine aimed at N scale modelers, modelers of all scales will benefit from his article.
Illustrations run the gamut of photos of both prototypes and models through books that can be a source of interesting signs.
The illustration on this blog posting is of a book the article author cited and which I have ordered for my library.
I received the book though I found the severe fading of most of the signs photographed to be a bit disappointing.
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