Product Review - Flat Chisel No. 2 Firm


Copyright 2021 Nicholas Kalis
Colour Shaper Flat Chisel No. 2 Firm

Product Review

Flat Chisel No. 2, Firm
Colour Shaper
Manufacturer's Part Number 12502
Plaza Art Supplies Number 287036

Under the brand name "Colour Shaper", Royal Sovereign Ltd, a UK company sells a variety of rubber tipped chisels in different shapes, sizes, and firmness. I chose Flat Chisel No.2 Firm sporting a hardwood handle and a seamless nickel ferrule"Firm" refers to the silicone tip. I suspect most model railroaders lack such on tool on their workbench. Such tools, used by artists to re-shape paint to the choice of the painter, can be found in most art supply stores. "Chisels" may be a bit of a misnomer as these are not intended for cutting purposes. 

This tool has four possible uses in model railroading. First, the grey silicone tip is useful for moving decals without damaging them. Of course, care is required even with this tool, lest a decal be torn while applying. This tool can also be used to wipe away a stray dab of paint. Another use would be when gluing to move parts in hard-to-reach places or where our fingers would be too clumsy. A final use has been described in a video by Ammo by Mig Jimenez; that is to apply pigments to the edges of a model vehicle - of course, this technique can be applied to engines and rolling stock.

I purchased mine in-store at Plaza Art Supplies in Fairfax, Virginia. A word of caution, this shop has a strict mask policy (this review was written during the Covid19 emergency); they do not provide free masks for the asking. Plaza Art Supplies Number 297036 may also be ordered online at for $ 9.83 as of 2021.

I would recommend this tool for every workbench.
