Helpful Hint - Using Microbrushes


Copyright 2021 Nicholas Kalis
Alpha Abrasives Item # 1301

Helpful Hint

Alpha Abrasives
25 Pack Yellow Microbrush - Fine
Item # 1301
Made in Canada

Good modeling may well be near impossible without brushes of this sort on hand. These brushes are great for applying a controlled amount of glue to your models.  These brushes come 25 to a pack which is a good thing as they can easily be used up. They should however not be seen as a substitute for the Tamiya cotton swabs. You will need both at your workbench to produce great models. I reviewed the Tamiya cotton swabs in an earlier posting. 

At Huzzah Hobbies of Ashburn, Virginia (2021) this package cost $ 5.50. The rub is that if you order one pack online, the shipping charges might well exceed the cost of the product purchased. Here is an idea - be sure to pick these up when you are driving by or specifically visiting hobby shops that cater to other than model railroaders. Sure, they will not have model railroad supplies, but such shops could be a steady source for micro-brushes and glues without the cost of shipping and the delay of mail service.

Revised March 13, 2022
