Product Review - Fn3 rulers


Photograph 2021 Nicholas Kalis

Thinking of trying your hand at scratch building in large scale? The first place to turn is to obtain a scale ruler. Now some might think that finding a ruler for 1:20.3 would be difficult. Fear not, a scale rule in this scale is available in two lengths (see photograph). The only trouble is the smaller one often disappears and can be hard to find. I added a bit of red paint onto my ruler but it still can be hard to locate. By way of contrast the longer ruler is constructed of a yellow plastic and so is harder to misplace. Both rulers are made with a hole for hanging on the shop wall - problem is I have a quirk about not wanting to put holes in my walls.

I have put both to good use.

Both rulers were manufactured by The Scale Card TM. However a visit to their website reveals that they are closing their doors by December 31 2012.
Readers are encouraged to contact me with any source they find for these rulers.
