Product Review - Cool Stuff from the Art Store


Copyright 2021 Nicholas Kalis
Speedball Item # 285278


Not everything cool item on your workbench will be a tool. Nor will you always need a hobby shop to keep your modeling going uninterrupted. Here is a reasonably priced brush cleaner I recently picked up from my local Plaza Art in Fairfax, Virginia. I emphasize "reasonably priced" as some brush cleaning fluid can be outrageously priced. This price point  of this 12 oz. bottle - $ 9.14 online - seems to fit the bill. 

Keeping your paint brushes clean is a vital part of the process of building a model railroad layout  or just building railroad models and scenic effects. Water may not be enough to keep your brushes clean.

Don't have a Plaza Art near you? One can also patronize Plaza Art online at
