Figure Review - Preiser Set No. 45085 Arrived from Reynauld's for my Fn3 (1:20.3) Model Railroad

Photo 1 Prieser Harvest Workers, two in pack Preiser 45085 Scale G

Photo 2 Copyright 2020 Nicholas Kalis
This figure has been painted by your blogger to be more representative of the ethnicity of the field workers at the Oahu Sugar Company

Figure Review 

Preiser 45075 
Scale G 1:22.5 Scale 
Hay Harvest 
Sourced from 
122 North Main Street Elburn Illinois 60119 USA 1 630 365-6340 Toll Free Order Line 1 888 762-6872

Fax 1 630 365-6345
Closed on Sundays and Monday 

Made in the Federal Republic of Germany; hand painted in Mauritius. I wish to posed them as harvesting sugar cane. I believe sugar cane harvesters did not use scythe but this is a good substitute for the time being. A good source for such large scale figures is Reynauld's in Illinois. When they arrived, I painted their skin

Vallejo Tan Earth 70.874 as the pale skin on these models just makes no sense for Hawaii. Lesson learned - don't be afraid to alter a pricey figure - you know that out of the box it is just plain wrong for your use. One of the harvesters has blond hair - I will paint his hair black as a more realistic portrayal of the workers in Oahu.

Revised November 27 2020
