Copyright 2019 Nicholas Kalis
Floating benchwork allows home's white wainscoting to be visible.
Oahu Sugar Company Cane Field 32 is made from a broom whose bristles were cut to about 20 feet at 1:20.3 scale and then painted green at their top. Natural color of bristle was purposely allowed to remain unpainted to replicate the prototype. Bristles were planted into pink foam baseboard.
Backdrop painted by Katherine S. Kalis on sheet styrene.
Notice shelf underneath utilizes the hardware system supporting my benchwork.
The valance and facia configuration is based on the writings of Iain Rice. Fascia and valance color is the color of the walls in my home - used left over paint I found in my garage - yes, I know paint can be damaged by the weather extremes encountered in unheated garages.
Prisoner of War (POW) Camp is a black and white photograph printed out on my computer printer and then colorized with Dark Brown (PB-88) and Olive Green (PM-26) Prismacolor markers. It was then glued on to my painted styrene backdrop using a spray adhesive.
To learn more read "A Simple Approach to Photographic Backgrounds"
by Nicholas Kalis Published in Narrow Gauge Downunder
Additional information about the lettering on my fascia can be obtained from another blog posting in this blog.
That layout setup is very neat, museum quality.