Visit - Farm Abandonment (Scale Unknown) Harvard Forest Museum

Photographer Unknown
Great diorama seen at the Harvard's Fisher Forest Museum. Its title is "Farm Abandonment".


Fisher Forest Museum
Petersham, MA

Harvard's Fisher Museum holds 23 dioramas telling the story of New England forests. Model railroaders have much to learn from its diorama maker, the Guernsey and Pitman studio. To make the pine trees these artisans made needles from etched cooper sheet and then soldered same to wire branches. I first learned about these dioramas from Doug Gurin, founder of the Layout Design Special Interest Group; Doug felt that these dioramas set the bar for model railroaders who seek to have accurate scenery on their layouts. Visit their web site to browse a 1936 booklet that describes how these dioramas were constructed.

To learn more about these dioramas, read New England Forests Though Time, Insights from the Harvard Forest Dioramas by David K. Foster and John F. O'Keefe; published by Harvard University Press. 

Founded in 1941, The Fisher Museum has always been free and open to the public. Established in 1907, the Harvard Forest itself is located in Petersham, a rural town in central Massachusetts. This 4,000 acre is  located 70 miles from the main Harvard University campus. No public transportation is available to the museum. To find the museum by GPS enter 324 North Main Street, Petersham, MA. Museum hours are 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

While to date (2020) I have yet to visit this museum, I have had an illustrated article published in the Layout Design Journal (published by the Layout Design Special Interest Group) discussing how model railroaders can learn from scale museum dioramas.

Revised October 29, 2022
