Photographer Unknown
Here are the five steps I took to create the O scale false front illustrated above.
Step 1 I found this photograph on the internet and
Step 2 then modified it with a poor man's Photoshop.
Step 3 I then pasted it to black foam core,
Step 4 then used an X-Acto® knife to cut to shape, and
Step 5 then added a footer to keep it from toppling over, and
then installed in my O scale model of Waipahu, Oahu (Hawaii).
While most of my layout is Fn3 scale (1:20.3), for reduced scale (what most call "forced perspective") I model the town of Waipahu in 1:48 with 1:43 automobiles. And yes I know the single window upstairs is a bit strange looking - one day I may fix it. In the mean time, if some encounters a similar problem with a false front, they can place a large tree in front of the offending feature to keep visitors from noticing.
White was a popular building color back in the day. Modelers should be cautious about painting their wooden structures in a rainbow of colors.
White was a popular building color back in the day. Modelers should be cautious about painting their wooden structures in a rainbow of colors.
Revised November 26 2020
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